Any acute sickness or disease can be grueling when you're living with it. However, when a physician, nurse, or another medical health professional is negligent and causes you to be even sicker, the experience is even worse. Every patient has the option of pursuing malpractice or negligence charges when they feel they've been wronged, but you've got to be sure that you prove one or more of these occurrences.
1-The Health Provider Made an Obvious, Indefensible Error
Sometimes the negligence of a health care provider is so obvious that legal action seems inevitable. If a medical tool is left inside a person's body after a surgery, for example, legal trouble is usually not far behind. Medical scans and documents can typically reveal that negligence happened.
2-The Health Care Provider Acted Unusually
Unusual behavior that is out of line with other health professionals can expose negligence too. For instance, if you never got a chest x-ray in spite or repeated complaints about chest pain, your doctor could be the subject of a lawsuit. If no one ever tested your blood for glucose levels even though you have all the symptoms of diabetes, that's another instance where negligence claims could be made.
3-The Health Care Provider Made a Medication Error
Whenever a medication error happens, that's a serious offense. Nurses and others have a multi-step process to go through in order to ensure that they are giving the right person an appropriate, safe dose. Failing to go through the standard checks and making so-called "med errors" can show that negligence was at play.
If you're in an assisted living facility and have been given the wrong medication for days or weeks, you may have a real case for negligence. Multiple nurses on different shifts should have been aware that there was a medication error.
4-The Health Care Provider Made an Anesthesia Error
In surgeries requiring anesthesia, administering a specific cocktail for each patient looks easy to an outsider. However, an anesthesiologist must be attentive and focused on their work. Negligence that occurs because they under-medicated someone and caused them to awake during their procedure, is a very serious offense, which could be actionable in court.
Proving malpractice and negligence is something that must be done with skill, and with legal and medical expertise. Medical negligence attorneys can walk you through each step of such a case so that you're in the best position to receive compensation owed you.